a little rant

it’s a frustrating time to be alive.

a virus is spreading, the government remain apathetic towards the needs of their people, the rich begin to slowly show their true colors, the line between those privileged and not is beginning to impose itself in the most cruel ways possible.

it truly is a frustrating time to be alive.

as a person who used* to work for the government, it’s nothing short of angering to see how this is handled by those in power. i told my friends often how out of touch people in power are. this is one thing i felt often while working in my previous job. it’s so easy to think that you’re above others because you work in the institution that governs a whole nation. i may have not worked anywhere relevant in the government, but one thing i put together is how easy it is to be caught up in the whirlwind that is politics. how easy it is to lose touch of your own roots when you’re busy trying to figure out how this thing goes and you occupy yourself with criticizing another’s actions.

it’s easy, i guess, to feel like a celebrity when people look up to you for collective action. but that’s the thing, being in the government doesn’t mean that you’re now privileged with celebrity status. if any, i think, it puts on you more pressure to better yourself. and to think deeply about what’s best for your nation while you’re at it.

i listen a lot. as it is one of the few things i do best, and because i believe that it is the best way to understand others and the way they see the world. i listened to meetings and casual conversations and office jokes and there is one thing i realized: we don’t take a lot of things seriously.

much like this virus.

albeit i suppose i could give it the benefit of the doubt, as it took us a long time to truly identify it as the serious matter it is. neither did we see it to be something that would grow exponentially as it is doing now.

but see, the thing is, when you’re a person in power, there is always more pressure to take things seriously and look into matters more closely before you go on tv and declare things to be completely fine and under your control.

our lives are practically on pause with no specific end in sight. it is a citizen’s right to ask for answers and it is their government’s responsibility to provide them with good ones.

social media is now a stressful thing to be on. every minute of every day, we read about how the president ultimately can’t be bothered to give a fucking fuck, senators and congressmen are out and about despite the fact that they already tested positive, families of politicians use their power to be tested despite showing no symptoms and seeing how many more ordinary citizens and frontliners are in need of the test kits, the police power abuse their positions by bullying citizens into complying without listening to their reasoning, mayors provide little to nothing to their constituents who need the help. we read about the homeless being arrested for “loitering”. the senators deserving of due process, while the others, apparently not.

it angers me how blatantly we’re being fucked with with the government, but feel hopeless to do much about it because we’re battling an invisible disease that had gotten so much worse because of the lack of sense of urgency of those who are seated in position to handle it the very instance it was heard about.

it pisses me off how, after all this, some still choose to criticize whole races of people instead of seeing sense. how some people are still so out of touch with reality that they see things as if it was a game and not a serious matter to be dealt with that require continuous and productive actions.

* i use the past tense here in accordance with the time this is posted

happy april! i hope this month is kinder to all of us.

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